Day 208 of Writing
Figuring out which books I am going to work on is always challenging. My books are like planes stacked up at LaGuardia. I want an orderly landing. Some will have to circle for awhile, and hopefully they will arrive at the right gate and not explode on landing. The important thing is to have enough up in the air that you can keep bringing them in.
I took a week off from the novel to try and figure out what comes next. I know the next fiction book I want to write, which is part parody, part comedy, and part horror, plus at its core it is a romance. I am really looking forward to writing that one.
My real wheelhouse is non-fiction, and I have enough of those planned out to last me the rest of my life, assuming I live a long time. I spent the previous weekend assessing where things were at. I had a tremendous amount of material for what I wanted to work on next, too much in fact. I had to split it into two separate books. Since they will be written under a different name, I won’t go into more detail here.
Coming up with a catchy title is always important, and I came up with great ones for both. Amusingly, one of those titles I came up with was when I was really high on marijuana. Most of the stuff I come up with when high does not look as good the next day, but this one still held up. I realized the next morning that my great idea to create a mask you could safely eat in would actually act as a covid cannon if the wearer were infected. That is more typical of my creativity under the influence.
The pain has been so bad lately I have to self-medicate most nights, as marijuana is the only thing that helps. I never thought that I would wind up a habitual user, since before my illness I had never touched recreational drugs of any type. I don’t even drink. I have found that predicting my own personal future seldom turns out to be very accurate. Hopefully I will do better at predicting the future in my novel.
Writing books is so different from writing for magazines and the Internet. Writing an article typically has a really quick turnaround. It is more of a sprint. Writing a book is more of a marathon. The longest I have ever spent writing a book is 15 years, and in many ways, I consider it one of the more significant things I have written. It is a history book that covers a specific topic over the course of 500 years, and comes in at around 1200 pages. It took years of research. The week before last I finished another book which I spent just a couple of months writing, although I did have extensive notes to work from. Books are just a more leisurely endeavor, where you get to spend a lot of time on them. You don’t have to rush like you normally must with articles where editors often have semi-unrealistic expectations about how fast you can turn something around.
Even when I take time off from a book, I still think about it. Last week when I was assessing things and doing the stuff that has to happen to get my latest book through the publication process, I also came across something I did not know I was looking for. In one scene I send my characters into what is one of the most dangerous places on earth. They have to march into this area with backpacks filled with C4, very reminiscent of the march through the jungle in the television series Lost, in which a friend of ours exploded. It is a bit of a nod to that, but I take it further by adding constant lightning and other deadly things to avoid.
What I accidentally came across is a tree that is actually the most dangerous plant there is. Touch it anywhere and the sting is worse than that of a scorpion. I read an account about a sailor who used one of the leaves as toilet paper. The pain was so bad, he committed suicide. You don’t actually recover in the normal way, with pain lingering for years and it can come back many years later. That adds one more element to what I will make into the most hellish place imaginable.
What’s Up with Us
My wife Belle, who is a live performer, has been in the doldrums because there are no live audiences to perform for these days. That was her life blood. She is now getting back to writing.
She is now doing product reviews on a fairly regular basis. That is new to her, but I have done hundreds of them over the years, so I can be helpful as there is a lot you need to know to write effective reviews, and I used to make a living doing it. She can learn from my many mistakes without having to make them herself. The hardest lesson I learned was that you don’t give a negative review to the magazine’s biggest advertiser. You have to find positive ways to describe how bad the product actually is.
We had a big surprise in our garden. We live in a gated community with many people of Filipino descent. One of them gave us cuttings from their Dragon Fruit plants. There are lots of them grown in our community. It is native to Mexico and Central and South America.
We had no idea what to do with it so we just planted it. It is a member of the cactus family and it is also a climber. One of them grew up the wall to a height of at least fifteen feet. We never expected to get fruit from any of them, but way up high suddenly there was a large showy flower. The flower was gone after a couple of days, replaced by the rapidly growing fruit.
As you can see from the picture, it is a strange looking fruit. In some places each fruit can sell for as much as $10. We got out the ladder and made the climb up to pick it. There is another variety that has red flesh, which is supposedly more flavorful, but ours has the white somewhat translucent flesh dotted with tiny black edible seeds.
I found the taste subtle but refreshing. It did not taste like anything else to me other than Dragon Fruit. The most frequent description I found online was a cross between a kiwi and a pear, but I did not get that at all. It was reminiscent to me of watermelon in texture but just a bit softer. We used it in fruit salad where it blended well and did not dominate. I just saw that Taco Bell offered a Dragonfruit Freeze. It is still the weirdest fruit I ever ate that I liked (in contrast to the part fruit, part murder weapon Durian, where I could not get past the smell).
In the course of doing a little research on Dragon Fruit, I discovered YouTuber Emmy Cho (EmmyMadeinJapan). If you are a foodie and love strange and unusual food, you need to check her out. She does some cooking, but mostly she tastes interesting foods from all over the world and regionally across the country. She may be the most popular foodie blogger on YouTube. She is an excellent explainer, and is able to give very clear descriptions of what she is tasting. She has an expressive face and a joyful personality, so she is very fun to watch. She has been doing this for a decade and has a huge amount of content on a wide variety of subjects, although the main emphasis is food. Belle and I were watching some of her episodes and had to force ourselves to stop, otherwise we’d spend the entire day watching. She is funny, smart, charming, and is always knowledgeable about what she is presenting. On the subjects we knew well she was always well-informed and spot on. The subjects we did not know (most of them) were fascinating learning experiences. She is quite a find. I may be late to the party, but I think I’ll stay awhile.